Body positive cooking, teaching, and food writing for the size acceptance community, and everybody else.

About this Blog.

This blog is intended as a safe place to talk about food without talking about counting calories, fat grams or net carbs.

I want to discuss how we can nourish our bodies and enjoy the food we eat without having to focus on diets, weight loss or weight gain.

For many of us who have struggled with compulsive dieting, body image issues, and constant prejudice and scrutiny from the world around us, food has become the enemy. A highly charged topic that feels like a ticking time bomb.

Are you tired of reading cookbooks, magazines, and food blogs only to be assaulted by negative body and food talk, often when you least expect it?

There are days when I can hardly bring myself to read another book about food, or watch another film about food (even though these are two of my favorite things in this life) because of the relentless fat bashing that seems to have become integral to the new food movements. Obesity talk has become a hot topic and de riguer. Even the First Lady is doing it.

Well I for one want a reprieve. Please don't show me another army of headless, dehumanized, fat folk as you voice-over a monologue on the modern plague of obesity. If you want to show my fat body on screen or in print, please extend me the courtesy of showing my face too. Because I am a whole person, with a head, a mind, and a heart, who happens to have a fat body. And it might be harder to objectify, demean, and exploit my body if you had to look me in the eye while you were doing it.

My goal is to create a safe, fun and exciting place to talk about food, and learn about food with pleasure and gratitude, while leaving the shaming and stigma far behind. If you are curious about vegan cooking, macrobiotics or what in the world paleo eating is, you shouldn't have to sit through a lecture on obesity to find out. You have a right to eat according to your needs and beliefs, no matter who you are.

I want this blog to be a port in the storm, an oasis of calm, reason, and love. a place for good food, that makes us all feel good. No matter who you are, no matter how your body is put together, no matter what your circumstances in life, you have a right to good food. Wholesome, nurturing, nourishing, delicious food that feeds your body, your mind, and your soul. 
I can't stress this enough, good food should be available to everyone without barriers of any kind. No one should have to go hungry, and no one should be barred from food and food knowledge by their means, their bodies or their beliefs.

Welcome to my blog on food and whole body acceptance, for every body.
Sincerely yours,
Taffy-The Body Positive Chef